Rudi Vanmechelen
Account Manager at SCIA
Industry Conference: Super Powered. Super Easy.

6 May 2021
10h GMT-12h15

Online event
Join our SCIA Industry Conference live stream and step into the future of structural engineering software design.
With SCIA ENGINEER 21 we are taking a giant leap in revolutionizing the user interface with leading-edge ergonomics and unequalled efficiency gains. Easily customised to suit the way you work. We make your work faster and easier.
On Thursday, May 6th 2021, we will reveal to you how SCIA Engineer’s new interface works in perfect harmony with the structural engineer and other new and improved functionalities.
Phenomenal is an understatement. Don’t miss it!
This event will be hosted together with The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE).
This is a unique opportunity to learn how SCIA Engineer 21 will be a real game-changer for the every day structural engineering challenges.
10h00 - 10h10 | Welcome by Hilde Sevens, CEO |
10h10 - 10h20 | SCIA Engineer 21 - A giant leap in UI (User Interface) by Ana Van Aerden, Lead UX/UI designer |
10h20 -10h30 | Q&A panel discussion |
10h30 - 10h40 | SCIA Engineer 21 - Revolutionizing the User Interface "SUPER POWERED. SUPER EASY." by Nele Deckers, Director Product & Design |
10h40 - 10h50 | Demonstration: Working with the new 21 UI and how it will save you time. by Jad El Alam, Customer Service Manager |
10h50 - 10h55 | Customer testimonial: How we experienced working with the new version by Matthew Burton, AECOM |
10h55 - 11h05 |
Q&A panel discussion |
11h05 - 11h10 | Voice of the customer - Your top 3 developments by Yaël Vercammer, Product Owner |
11h10 - 11h15 | What's new in SCIA Engineer 21 in concrete & steel design? by Michiel Jeunen, Customer Service Engineer |
11h15 - 11h25 | Q&A panel discussion |
11h25 - 11h35 | What's new in SCIA AutoConverter? by Herman Oogink, Director Product and Alliances Management |
11h35 - 11h45 | Customer testimonial: How working with SCIA AutoConverter saved me time? |
11h45 - 12h00 | Questions & Answers by our SCIA experts |
12h00 - 12h05 | Closing |