Postponed: Industry breakfast at iStructE in London




London, UK

47-58 Bastwick Street
London EC1V 3PS

Following the news and advice to prevent further spreading of the corona virus we have decided to postpone the event. 

Do you, as an engineer, want to be part of a unique experience? Then, save the date for April 1st. During our interactive Industry Breakfast at iStructE we will focus on industry specific themes with presentations from industry experts, customers and our very own experienced engineering team.

Come and learn all about SCIA Engineer. We will present our game changing approach with BIM and reveal some Hidden Gems in SCIA Engineer to show you all the endless possibilities in Structural Design and Analysis.

Do not miss this unique opportunity and be part of our Industry Breakfast at iStructE.



You will be treated on numerous guest speakers sharing their experiences and taking you on an interactive trip through SCIA Engineer, a not to be missed opportunity.

This is a unique opportunity to learn about a variety of topics on how to overcome the every day structural engineering challenges with the help from SCIA Engineer. Our expert engineers will present a game changing approach with BIM and will also reveal several hidden gems in our software. You will also have the opportunity to network with the peers from the industry.

08h30 - 09h00 Breakfast
09h00 - 09h15 SCIA Engineer and its time saving practices: optimally calculate, dimension and document structures by Nikos Bournis
09h15 - 09h45

Concrete Design – a one click solution by Marwan Al-Taie

09h45 - 10h15 Overall Auto design for steel structures by Iveta Georgieva
10h15 - 10h45 Composite floor design incl. optimisations by Iveta Georgieva
10h45 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 11h45 BIM analysis models in the cloud: a game changing approach within SCIA Engineer by Herman Oogink
11h45 - 12h15 From simple to architecturally complex shell constructions: one of the many "hidden gems" of the SCIA software by Keith Wan
12h15 - 12h45 Customer testimonial “How we saved 25% of the design time in our 1st Year of SCIA use” by Beta Design Consultants. By Fahed Maida, Eleftherios Karpozilos & Kristina Sadikaj
12h45 Sandwich lunch



Nikos Bournis

Account Manager at SCIA


Herman Oogink

Head of Strategic Alliances at SCIA


Keith Wan

Customer Service Engineer at SCIA


Iveta Georgieva

Product Manager at SCIA


Marwan Al-Taie

Product Manager at SCIA


Fahed Maida BEng MSc

Structural Engineer – Director
Eleftherios Karpozilos BEng MSc

Structural Engineer
Kristina Sadikaj MEng

Structural Engineer