A look into the timeline for 2nd generation Eurocodes, the anticipated changes for steel design and a preview of the implementation of those rules in SCIA Engineer

In this webinar we will explore the need for a second generation of Eurocodes, their timing, and the changes compared to the current codes for steel design. We will not aim at a detailed analysis of the changes, but a general overview. In the second part, we will see those changes in action with a preview of the implementation of the codes inside SCIA Engineer.

speaker webinar

Yaël Vercammer
Yaël Vercammer is Product Owner at ALLPLAN responsible for SCIA Engineer & FRILO. Her mission is to gather feedback and ideas from all around and prioritize their implementation into the software, for anything related to metal. She started out as a Customer Service Engineer in 2017 where she built up experience with the software and its valued customers. Before joining SCIA she obtained a civil engineering degree at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with a thesis about computer generated bone microstructures.