Modelling and advanced analysis of steel structures in an integrated environment

This webinar is designed for structural design professionals interested in learning how to model and analyze steel structures using two powerful tools: SDS2 and SCIA Engineer. During the session, we will show how to create a detailed model of a steel walkway in SDS2, highlighting best practices for its construction and how to generate the corresponding drawings for its construction. We will then explain how to export the model from SDS2 to SCIA Engineer, allowing advanced structural analysis of the walkway and ensuring that the design meets the required safety and performance standards.

speaker webinar

Michele Polastri
Michele Polastri is the Director of Customer Success at ALLPLAN. With a keen focus on enhancing customer relationships and optimizing their journey, his dedication is to ensure unparalleled value at every step. Before joining SCIA, he worked as a structural engineer and project manager in design offices in Italy and the United Kingdom, where he became a member of the "Institution of Civil Engineers" (ICE) and the "Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri" (CNI).

speaker webinar

Javier Bros
Javier Bros, civil engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the sector. Technical specialist in the company ALLPLAN Spain, where he develops pre-sales, support and training in the fields of engineering and, since 2023, associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.